It was a dark and stormy night. President Obama had finally fallen asleep after another long, difficult day at the golf cour- er, Oval Office. As he lay asleep, he began to toss and turn violently, a cold sweat forming on his brow. As he began to scream in terror, Michelle shook him awake, whispering “What’s the matter?” Gasping for breath, he answered, “A nightmare. Good heavens, a terrible nightmare.” “Was it Al Quaeda?” she asked. He shook his head. “An Iranian nuclear attack?” He shook his head again. Frowning, she asked “Don’t tell me it was global warming again.” “No, Michelle,” he said, curling into a fetal position, “No, it’s much worse than that. It was… Florida 22.”
You may not have heard his name yet, but if the American people- more particularly the citizens casting their votes in Florida’s 22nd congressional district- have even an ounce of sense, then the political career of Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Allen West is about to take off like a rocket, red glare and all. His slogan, “Go West,” and his charismatic presentation are earning him fans around the country, with one of his speeches on Youtube, given in Ft. Lauderdale around October of 2009, receiving over 2 million hits since it went online.
Take a look, look-takers.
As many commentators have already noted, Col. West is one of 32 African Americans running for Congress this year as members of the GOP. Despite the left’s constant stream of racially-charged accusations leveled at conservatives in general and Tea Party members in particular (I’m looking at you, NAACP), Col. West has defended his supporters- and his own involvement- in the Tea Party, and strongly criticized the left’s stranglehold on the African American vote at every turn, referring to it as a “twenty-first century plantation.” Speaking about his plans for Congress, he made no attempt to disguise his feelings towards the current Democratic leadership of the Senate, vowing to march up to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and demand that she “Give me that damn gavel.”
Strong words, to be sure. But unlike the average congressional hopeful, Col. West has more than talking points to back him up. Following recent criticism of his conduct during an interrogation in Iraq, Col. West did exactly what politicians never seem to do: He told the truth. No spin. No apologies. As to the charges, Col. West was fined and given a written reprimand for… saving lives.
As he states clearly in the video, he managed to convince a detainee to give up valuable information, preventing the continuation of a series of deadly attacks on his troops in the region to which they were assigned. How did he accomplish this? He broke the rules of conduct, taking the prisoner outside and firing a shot over his head. And then the prisoner talked! Afterwards, he went straight to his superiors and, with full knowledge of the potential consequences, informed them of his actions.
Can you say awesome?!
Col. West is not a good candidate for office. He is the IDEAL candidate. While other politicians have spent their careers “community-organizing” while shouting “BUSH DID IT!”, Col. West has been commanding men and women in combat, a true patriot who is quick to remind anyone who will listen that the United States, far from being just one more on a long list of nation-states, is truly special, and that freedom must be cherished and protected above all else.
This is what real change looks like.
What more is there to say? GO WEST.
What more is there to say? GO WEST.
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